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What Do You Think of This Jewelry?

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1What Do You Think of This Jewelry? Empty What Do You Think of This Jewelry? Thu Dec 15, 2022 5:44 pm



<P><p><div><p>well, this is not my style, but i find it pretty cool. it's something different. how would i describe it... romantic and hippy, i guess</p></P><P><img src="" style="margin:10px auto"></P><P><p><b>1. What is stamped on <a href="">Jewelry</a>?</b></p><p>if there a 750 stamp it means its 18ct gold 375 is 9ct and 925 is sterlin silver. 750 means 18ct because 750 parts out of 1000 is gold and the rest is mixed with copper and other metals so 375 means 375 parts out of 1000 is gold</p><p><b>2. Poll: Silver or gold <a href="">Jewelry</a>?</b></p><p>For everyday, I prefer silver <a href="">Jewelry</a>. Sometimes, I will switch to gold, depending on what I am wearing or the style I am going for</p></P><P><img src="" style="margin:10px auto"></P><P><p><b>3. Buying <a href="">Jewelry</a> Online?</b></p><p>Generally cheap is not usually that great.</p><p><b>4. Do you like this <a href="">Jewelry</a>?</b></p><p>Light brown hair, blue eyes, fair/ slightly tan skin, tiny freckles, that sounds just like what I look like except my eyes are green! Awesome! Personally, I am fifteen by the way, I do not really like this. It looks kinda childish, like something a five-year old would wear, and it's so big, and if you are small like you said, (I am kinda petite too, lots of people ask me and my sister who's twelve, "Who's older?") it will drown out you neck. And it's hot pink too, which I do not think would look good on you at all, if you have the same coloring as me. try something smaller and older looking, and something with colors like greens and golds, which would look good on you. Perhaps blue too, to match your eyes. And get something that's not eighty bucks! The price is ridiculous. You can find waaaay cuter bracelets for ten times as cheap as that! No offense, but that's my opinion. Happy birthday, by the way! ^_^</p><p><b>5. where to find some <a href="">Jewelry</a> supplies?</b></p><p>GO to a <a href="">Jewelry</a> making store.. They will have walls of chains different colors, shapes, sizes, and types of material. I made one with a pink, blue, and black stainless steal one. I like in NYC so I go to one of the many ones on 36th street, but you can look them up for your local area. I will post a link to one of the ones I go to as an example.</p><p><b>6. Should I wear gold <a href="">Jewelry</a> or silver <a href="">Jewelry</a> with this dress?</b></p><p>I would wear it with the gold skinny belt at the link and gold medium dangle earrings or cute stud earrings with a heart motif. Burgundy is a warm color so gold <a href="">Jewelry</a> would look better with it!! : </p><p><b>7. Question about fixing <a href="">Jewelry</a>...?</b></p><p>Firemountain Gems They are not very expensive and ship globally</p><p><b>8. "Imitation <a href="">Jewelry</a> or "costume <a href="">Jewelry</a></b></p><p>Costume jewellery is what is commonly used and not imitation jewellery</p><p><b>9. where is the cheapest place to buy <a href="">Jewelry</a>?</b></p><p></p><p><b>10. Idea for crafts/<a href="">Jewelry</a> for old magazines?</b></p><p>Make paper beads. Use different coloured pages for origami. Shred them into strips and use them to line baskets, or tape the strips together and weave them into a basket. Use some nice pictures from the magazine for decoupage. Use the pages for gift wrapping. The possibilities are endless!</p><p><b>11. What <a href="">Jewelry</a> to wear with this dress?</b></p><p>I think gold would look better unless you are going for a punkier look Smile</p><p><b>12. Silver or gold <a href="">Jewelry</a> with this dress?</b></p><p>Gold would be really cute! Smile</p><p><b>13. Are these cool? Domino Pendants... <a href="">Jewelry</a>?</b></p><p>very cute, i love the effect!!</p><p><b>14. What is popular in teenage <a href="">Jewelry</a> today?</b></p><p>at my school everyone wears long necklaces and bangles. also they wear the piece sign which is kinda weird.</p><p><b>15. Neat personalized <a href="">Jewelry</a> boxes for gifts???where??</b></p><p>My jewelery box contains: Tons of hemp necklaces lotsa silver rings beaded bracelets and long necklaces</p><p><b>16. Where do you think Trayvon got the <a href="">Jewelry</a> the school officials found in his back pack?</b></p><p>Do not know and do not care. He did not get killed for that</p><p><b>17. What <a href="">Jewelry</a> will look good with this dress?</b></p><p>It depends on what you have- if you go with silver, then you should have a close to the neck necklace. I small bracelet and stub earrings. If you go with gold, wear nicer earrings with a long gold necklace. Hope i help!!</p><p><b>18. What colors would you recommend for a <a href="">Jewelry</a> display?</b></p><p>ti depends on the type of cloth,since its <a href="">Jewelry</a> you should go with silk if a majority of the <a href="">Jewelry</a> i gold you should go with the color lite pink or baby blue .if silver try lavender</p></div></p></P>

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