<p>There may be such and other problems in the <a href="https://www.dankemold.com/plastic-injection-molding" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">plastic injection molding</a> process. What are the most likely defects?</p><p><br></p><p>Today we will tell you that the most likely defects in the plastic injection molding are as follows: Features of injection molded parts defects The injection molding process is incomplete because the cavity is not filled with plastic or the injection molding process lacks certain details.</p><p><br></p><p> Possible cause of the problem</p><p>(1) Insufficient injection speed</p><p>(2) Plastic shortage</p><p>(3) The screw does not leave the screw gasket at the end of the stroke.</p><p>(4) The running time changes.</p><p>(5) The temperature of the injection cylinder is too low</p><p>(6) Insufficient injection pressure</p><p>(7) The nozzle part is sealed</p><p>( The heater outside the nozzle or the injection cylinder cannot work</p><p>(9) Injection time is too short</p><p>(10) Plastic is attached to the throat wall of the hopper</p><p>(11) The capacity of the injection molding machine is too small (ie, injection weight or plasticizing capacity)</p><p>(12) Mold temperature is too low</p><p>(13) Anti-rust oil that did not clean the mold</p><p>(14) The stop ring is damaged, and the melt has a reverse flow</p><p><br></p><p>Solution:</p><p>(1) Increase injection speed</p><p>(2) Check the amount of plastic in the hopper</p><p>(3) Check whether the injection stroke is set correctly, and change it if necessary.</p><p>(4) Check whether the check valve is worn or cracked.</p><p>(5) Check whether the operation is stable.</p><p>(6) Increase the melting temperature.</p><p>(7) Increase backpressure.</p><p>( Increase injection speed.</p><p>(9) Check the nozzle hole for foreign matter or unplasticized plastic.</p><p>(10) Check the outer layer of all heaters and use an ammeter to check whether the energy output is correct.</p><p>(11) Increase the screw forward time.</p><p>(12) Increase the cooling capacity in the throat area of the hopper, or reduce the temperature in the rear area of the shooting cylinder.</p><p>(13) Use a larger injection molding machine.</p><p>(14) Increase the mold temperature appropriately.</p><p>(15) Clean up the rust inhibitor in the mold</p>