<p>Thick copper <a href="https://www.atechpcb.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">PCB</a> products are widely used in power electronic equipment and power supply systems. The development trend of the<a href="https://www.atechpcb.com/" target="_blank"> PCB</a> industry is that the finished copper weight of this unique type of heavy copper PCB exceeds 4oz (140μm), while the copper weight of the standard PCB is usually 1oz (35μm) or 2oz (0μm). The thickness of copper.</p><p><br></p><p><br></p><p>The extra copper <a href="https://www.atechpcb.com/" rel="noopener noreferrer" target="_blank">PCB</a> thickness enables the circuit board to conduct more current, achieve good heat distribution and realize complex switches in a limited space. Other advantages include improving the mechanical strength of the connector position, the ability to make smaller product sizes by combining multiple weights on the same circuit layer, and the ability to use exotic materials with maximum capacity and minimize the risk of circuit failure.</p>